UK Employment Share Options

Employee share options may seem straightforward, but there is a lot to consider in order to determine the correct disclosure in your personal tax return.

Schemes like Save As you Earn (SAYE), Share Incentive Plans (SIP), Company Share Options Plans (CSOP), and Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) are more straightforward.

Our Services

  • TaxDash will make sure your s431 is in place.
  • We help with your capital gains calculations.
  • TaxDash assists with share pooling if you have different restrictions on the different share options.
  • We provide help calculating the weighted average cost of each share pool to calculate the tax payable if and when shares have been sold.
  • We help you determine whether the sale of shares should be taxed as income or capital gains tax.
  • We can speak directly with your scheme administrator to ensure shares are correctly declared on your tax return.